Called From Darkness

Called From Darkness

Called From Darkness is a 6-film series on addiction and recovery, produced by TouchPoint Productions and directed by Paul Steinbroner. After a brief introduction, each of these films was presented in a webinar format to members of GAHN, AHNCC, and other nurses and health care professionals. After the film viewing, there is an in-depth discussion of the film and the featured population. Paul is joined by a special guest facilitator, and representatives from the two other sponsoring organizations of the series. Helen Erickson is Executive Director of Global Academy of Holistic Nursing (GAHN) and co-author of the 1983 nursing theory book entitled Modeling and Role Modeling. Margaret Erickson is CEO of the American Holistic Nurse Credentialing Corporation (AHNCC).

The post-film discussion reveals more about each featured population, with insight from the special facilitator, as well as Paul, who was directly involved in the making of each film from start to finish. We're sure you will find the films informative and the conversation stimulating and through-provoking.

Join us in viewing these films in the series:
1. JustUs - a documentary showing the struggle of the Mestizo culture of Northern New Mexico.
2. Homeboy Joy Ride - explores the spiritual dimensions of addiction recovery in a Los Angeles gang-intervention and rehabilitation program
3. Soul Sanctuary - documentary film about Beit T’Shuvah a long- term treatment facility which serves people with substance use disorders
4. Journeys on the Red Road - highlights the successful recovery program among the indigenous peoples of the American and Canadian Pacific Northwest
5. Stand Down - a nationwide program of local Stand Down events to help Veterans connect with services and find community and connection
6. Welcome to the Recovery Cafe - a membership-based program founded as a direct response to the critical, unmet need for those who suffer on the margins – that of long-term recovery support

Note: CNE Credit through AHNCC can be obtained by following the instructions on this web page:

Called From Darkness
  • JustUs

    This film is the first presented by AHNCC, GAHN, and TouchPoint Productions in the Called From Darkness series. The film was viewed live via Zoom Webinar on January 31, 2023, followed by a facilitated discussion. The remaining films in the series are being held the last Tuesday of each month th...

  • Homeboy Joy Ride

    Note: This is a preliminary edit of the session.

    This film is the first presented by AHNCC, GAHN, and TouchPoint Productions in the Called From Darkness series. The film was viewed live via Zoom Webinar on February 28, 2023, followed by a facilitated discussion. The remaining films in the seri...

  • Soul Sanctuary with Discussion

    Presented Tuesday, March 28, 2023. Brief introduction by Micky Erickson and Paul Steinbroner, and introducing Harriet Rossetto and "Rabbi Mark" Borowitz. After the film, there is an hour of engaging discussion.

  • Journeys on the Red Road - With Discussion

    From the April film viewing, this includes an introduction, the film, and the after-film discussion.

  • Stand Down

    The fifth film in the Called From Darkness series. Note that the discussion with Ralph Cooper takes place before the film is shown, due to Ralph’s availability.

  • Welcome to the Recovery Cafe

    Editing of this Paul Steinbroner directed film just completed last week. AHNCC, GAHN, and TouchPoint Productions are proud to bring you "Welcome to the Recovery Cafe." Following the 28-minute film, Paul, along with AHNCC's CEO Margaret Erickson and GAHN's Executive Director Helen Erickson, have ...